Upadrasta Energy Systems

Upadrasta Energy Systems is a company promoted by technocrat entrepreneurs, who have in the last 4 years implemented solar energy applications that have benefitted more than 200+ people.

The promoter is an electronic graduate and has more than 25 years experience in the electrical and electronics system. Their mission is to equip every rooftop with solar power. Their core strength lies in innovation, technology and customer centricity.

Upadrasta Energy Systems

Upadrasta Energy Systems is a company promoted by technocrat entrepreneurs, who have in the last 4 years implemented solar energy applications that have benefitted more than 200+ people.

The promoter is an electronic graduate and has more than 25 years experience in the electrical and electronics system. Their mission is to equip every rooftop with solar power. Their core strength lies in innovation, technology and customer centricity.

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Praesent sollicitudin lacus sit amet nulla dictum egestas. Pellentesque quis cursus odio. Etiam luctus tincidunt est, vitae tristique quam vestibulum vitae. In hendrerit volutpat sodales.
Ut accumsan in urna id viverra. Vestibulum diam orci, sagittis non massa et, ullamcorper condimentum dui. Cras metus diam, convallis nec purus at, elementum vehicula metus. Cras ac tincidunt velit.

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